Master class – Igniting a samovar
Try your hand at the art of igniting a samovar in park hotel Grumant! Number of participants: 5-30 people. Age: 6+
You can have so much fun in the museum!
A historical quest is one of the most effective and entertaining ways of learning, an opportunity to test yourself and have an amazing time.
By overcoming difficulties and completing tasks, you will learn a lot about Russian traditions and make unforgettable memories!
Making a fascinating journey through the museum, you will learn how to find answers to the most interesting historical puzzles, learn how to determine the volume and weight of a samovar, and will meet a real museum “Domenovenok”. The most quick-witted and courageous, who have solved the treasured cipher, will receive amazing awards!
Few are familiar with the meaning of the word “bouillotte”. It is often believed that it is a vessel in which the broth is prepared. However, this is not so!
What IS “bouillotte”, what types of bouillottes are there, how are they decorated, and what is its purpose: all this and much more you can learn during
the historical quest “Ku-ka-re-ku!” or “The secret of one bouillotte”.
Solve mysteries | Reveal secrets | Find a way out
Go back in time …
Book today : + 7 (4872) 50-50-50
At the museum we offer fascinating master classes. For example, anyone can make a real, decorated, Tula gingerbread with their own hands.
By taking a master class you will learn the techniques of creating traditional Tula souvenirs, gain invaluable experience, and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of ancient times.
Floristics is closely connected with the traditions of the Tolstoy family. While walking around the estate, guests of Yasnaya Polyana often gathered bouquets of flowers and herbs. You will have a chance to make a great souvenir by decorating a samovar cut out with our Yasnaya Polyana flowers and herbs.
Learn more
According to some historians and archaeologists, the history of FIlimonov toys began as early as 1000 years ago. During archaeological excavations, some of the first, most primitive, clay toys of that period were found near the Tula region. They were small decorations for whistles in shape of birds, animals and people. Filimonov painting appeared on toys at the beginning of the 19th century. In our museum of samovars you can find out their history and decorate your very own clay toy.
The culture of Russian tea drinking is a very special historical tradition. Participants of our unique master class on igniting a samovar will get hands on experience in the customs and rules of the Russian tea drinking ceremony. Even children will be able to master the secrets and skills of this ancient craft. Fragrant tea infused with the smoke from forest cones will appeal to every guest. And treats created by our chef will create the most pleasant and delicious experience.
Try your hand at the art of igniting a samovar in the hotel GRUMANT Resort & SPA!
Number of participants: 5-30 people
Venue: on the veranda at an air temperature of +1 degrees C
Age: 6+
The traditional shape of Russian lollipop is a rooster, but in 1489 the forms of fish, house and a Christmas tree were also used, since the shape of the rooster was too complicated. Nevertheless, taking as a basis the samovars presented in our museum, talented artists and craftsmen created unique forms for lollipops, and our chef has developed special recipes for the Samovar lollipops “in Grumant style”.
Learn more
At the master class at the Museum of Samovars and Bouillottes, the children will be able to make their own candies with the tastes of various treats that were served for tea:
– with creamy iris flavor
– with the taste of Tula gingerbread
– with cranberry and strawberry jam flavor
– with honey and mint flavor
and that’s not all!
Try your hand at the art of igniting a samovar in park hotel Grumant! Number of participants: 5-30 people. Age: 6+
The museum provides fascinating interactive tours, adapted by our guides for students of all ages. Adults and schoolchildren can get acquainted with the collection and hear a wonderful story about Russian life and traditions of tea drinking.
Sightseeing tour talks about the history of the emergence and development of samovar production in Russia and Western Europe
To Tula with a samovar … Thematic tour, which introduces museum visitors to the history of Tula’s samovar production and tells a story about the fate of Tula’s manufacturers
Traditions of Russian tea time -Thematic tour about traditions of tea drinking in Russia