May252019НОВОСТИ With amazing festivities and events, Museum of Samovars and Bouillottes celebrated it’s first birthday! Big thank you to all participants and guests. See you soon! 0/5 (0 Reviews) Category: НОВОСТИ SHARE Share on FacebookShare on Facebook Share on LinkedInShare on LinkedIn TweetShare on Twitter Share on WhatsAppShare on WhatsApp Pin itShare on Pinterest Author: Музей самоваров и бульоток Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Night of the Museums 2019NextNext post:Tour in the Museum of Samovars and Bouillottes for “We are together”Популярные статьи Museum returns to normal operating hours!06/08/2020Salishchev Samovar Makers, part I20/04/2020Tula Painter, Andrei Andreyevich Popov07/04/2020Museum is temporarily closed01/04/2020Museum of samovars and bouliottes continues to work with some restrictions20/03/2020Crêpe Week or Maslenitsa is regarded as one of the merriest and tastiest holidays in Russia.29/02/2020
Crêpe Week or Maslenitsa is regarded as one of the merriest and tastiest holidays in Russia.29/02/2020