Box-cellarette КБ 494Manufacturer: factory of brothers Nikolay and Vasily Vasilyevich MakarovRegion: Russian Empire Vyatskaya provinceDate: 2nd half of the 19th century
Basin “Rafael” КБ 474Manufacturer: Corporation of Kolchugin copper and brass factoriesRegion: Russian Empire Vladimirskaya provinceDate: end of XIX century
Egg shaped Kettle КБ 464Manufacturer: unknownRegion: Russian Empire Date: 2nd half of the 19th century
Fountain “Skifos” КБ 463Manufacturer: unknownRegion: Russian Empire Date: 2nd half of the 19th century
Kettlebell bouillotte with hanging arms КБ 461Manufacturer: unknownRegion: Great Britain Date: mid XIX century
Fountain “Greek Vase” КБ 453Manufacturer: unknownRegion: Russian Empire Date: 1st half of the 19th century
Bouillotte with a glass lid on a tray КБ 450-451Manufacturer: Joseph Hendrix firmRegion: USA New YorkDate: 1897-1937View products
Coaster “On chicken legs” КБ 448Manufacturer: factory of Roman PlevkevichRegion: Russian Empire Kingdom of PolandDate: end of XIX century
Bouillotte “Bouquet” КБ 425Manufacturer: factory of Reed and BartonRegion: USA TauntonDate: 2nd half of the 19th century
Bouillotte with a flip top КБ 405Manufacturer: jewelry factory of Woodworth HoraceRegion: Great Britain LondonDate: 1899