Basin with geometric ornament КБ 579Manufacturer: Norblin & Co. FactoryRegion: Russian Empire Kingdom of PolandDate: beginning of the XX century
Souvenir chalice “Samovar” КБ 537Manufacturer: factory of M.S. Kuznetsov CorporationRegion: Russian Empire Moscow provinceDate: 1891-1917
Sugar bowl with floral patterns КБ 495Manufacturer: Joseph Fraget FactoryRegion: Russian Empire WarsawDate: mid XIX century
Box-cellarette КБ 494Manufacturer: factory of brothers Nikolay and Vasily Vasilyevich MakarovRegion: Russian Empire Vyatskaya provinceDate: 2nd half of the 19th century
Basin “Rafael” КБ 474Manufacturer: Corporation of Kolchugin copper and brass factoriesRegion: Russian Empire Vladimirskaya provinceDate: end of XIX century
Tray “Petersburg” КБ 473Manufacturer: factory of copper products by Belousov Ivan IvanovichRegion: Russian Empire TulaDate: 1910s
Egg shaped Kettle КБ 464Manufacturer: unknownRegion: Russian Empire Date: 2nd half of the 19th century
Fountain “Skifos” КБ 463Manufacturer: unknownRegion: Russian Empire Date: 2nd half of the 19th century
Barrel for boiling water with a roasting pan КБ 454Manufacturer: unknownRegion: China Hong KongDate: 2nd half of the 20th century
Fountain “Greek Vase” КБ 453Manufacturer: unknownRegion: Russian Empire Date: 1st half of the 19th century
Coaster “On chicken legs” КБ 448Manufacturer: factory of Roman PlevkevichRegion: Russian Empire Kingdom of PolandDate: end of XIX century