The body is in the shape of a sphere, the wall is smooth. The lid is flat, the ring is hollow. Rectangular slots on both sides of the crown, with an openwork pattern of crossed circles. Handles are high, bent up. The handle plates are decorated with a slotted ornament of a geometric nature. Escutcheon plate oval, embossed. Faucet spout is faceted, with three annular protrusions at the spout. Valve handle is bent up, stylized as a shoot of a plant with leaves. Ash-pit slots are mounted, openwork slots, from crossed circles. The legs are high, attached to the body, decorated with an ornament similar to that of the pens. The bases of the legs are flat, stylized as paws. On the lid there is a stamp: “Factory of the trading house of B. G. Teyle with sons in Tula”