The body of the samovar is in the form of a vase with a high neck. The wall is smooth. In the center of the wall is the engraved monogram “WH”. The circle is wide, flat, bent down. The cover is stepped. The inscription on the cover: “Hohe Fachtextilschule 1901-1926 Der Festausschuss.” The crown has rectangular slots. The handles are made up of round rods, bent to the sides, with a relief stylized as leaves. At the base, the rods are connected by oval relief overlays. Cushions of handles with annular protrusions. Escutcheon plate is round, flat. Faucet spout is smooth, with a round overlay at the spout. Valve handle is cross-shaped. The neck is flat, expanding downward, with rectangular slots. The base is square, the legs are rectangular. A pipe is attached to the samovar, a cylindrical shape, with an extension on the upper edge. Handle in the form of a straight rod attached to the pipe using a heart-shaped escutcheon plate.
Dimensions: 44.5 × 36 × 37 pipe: h-19 d1-9 d2-5.5 cm.