The body is in the shape of a vase, the wall is smooth. The lid is flat, with a slight elevation in the center and an annular protrusion in the upper part. The Crown is hollow, the upper edge is stylized as the petals of a flower outlet, merged with a lid. Grips on the lid and cap of the conical shape. The handles are vertical, with a decorative hook at the bottom, attached to the body with a pair of square flat overlays. The grip on the handles is chiseled, curly. Escutcheon plate is absent. Faucet spout is smooth, the nose has a protrusion in the form of a hook. Valve handle is in the form of a trefoil. The neck with ash-pit slots slots at the bottom, slots in the form of circles. The base is square, with curly cuts and embossed protrusions, curved upwards in the central part. Legs are flat, protruding forward. A sampling tube is attached to the draft in the form of a narrow cylinder with a handle attached at right angles with a diamond-shaped lining and rivets.
Dimensions: 51 × 36 × 36 cm. pipe: l-28 d1-6 d2-7,5 cm.