The body is in the shape of a vase, the wall is smooth. In the upper part of the body is a ring-shaped protrusion decorated with an engraved pattern in a plant matif. There is also an engraved pattern on the wall surface: oval medallions surrounded by plant motifs. 3-piece high-topped cap. An engraved pattern is applied on the surface of the lid: concentric stripes, dots, floral motifs. Mushroom-shaped grasp handle with a conical bump. Loop-shaped handles, elongated upwards, with bone decorative rings and a toothed shaped relief. Attached to the body with overlays, the top is embossed, shaped as a sheet, the bottom is flat, oval. The faucet is decorated, a valve handle is in the form of a bracket with three ring-shaped protrusions in the middle. The neck is hollow, the base is square. The legs are triangular in shape, decorated with molded relief ornaments of a floral nature.