We are more than pleased to arrange an unforgettable party full of joy for your child in our museum!
Here you will find the largest collection of samovars and bouliottes, original design of the museum, exciting programs and quests for children and fancy tea-party- the kind of party to leave the warmest memories about for days!
Two-hour group program for children(7+):
- Historical quest in the Museum
- Filimonovo samovar workshop: ceramic toy painting
Ticket price: 900 rubles for children and 1150 rubles for adults.
Three-hour group program for children (6+):
- Historical quest in the museum
- Into the world of horses, the guided tour
- Tea-party at the restaurant
Ticket price: 1050 rubles for children and 1150 for adults.
Two-hour family program:
- Tour around the museum
- Floral workshop
Ticket price: 700 rubles for children and 850 rubles for adults.
Two-hour family program:
- Historical quest in the museum
- Kindle The Samovar workshop. Tea-party included!
Ticket price: 700 rubles for children and 750 rubles for adults
Three-hour family program:
- Overall or theme tour in the museum
- Floral workshop
- Kindle The Samovar workshop. Tea-party included!
Ticket price: 1050 rubles for children and 1200 for adults
Three-hour family program:
- Overall or theme tour in the museum
- Yasnya Pilyana Style Floristic workshop
- Tea-party
Ticket price: 1000 rubles for children and 1150 rubles for adults.
We may also extend your program with:
- Lollipops-making workshop – 250 rubles per person
- Gingerbread Pryanik Baking workshop- 500 rubles per person
- Costume photo shoot in the museum- 350 rubles per person
- Malamut’s farm tour- 250 rubles per person
- Transport and horse lease, room reservation and many other services of GRUMANT Resort& SPA
For Birthday events, please make sure to make a reservation at:
+7 903 038 5216
+7 915 6900620